Guildball Painting Guide!


So I have just recently finished painting up and putting together a painting guide for this group of misfits. Several players from the Guildball Union faction, that I have tried to paint to match the artwork found on the character cards.

Normally you would find said painting guide right here on the site, but this one is a wee bit different and will only be appearing in the pages of Tabletop Gaming Magazine!


So if you want to find out how I painting these chaps, and get a good read whilst your at it, you can order a copy here: Tabletop Gaming Magazine

I’d also recommend checking out their Facebook page to keep abreast of news of whats coming in the next issue.

I’ll be back soon with an update on what my painting and gaming habits have been like of late and working on another painting guide :), but before that check out some close ups of these Guildball mini’s…

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