Update – Getting Back in the Saddle

Hello everyone! It’s good to be back and posting an update…finally. I want to start by saying thank you to everyone for your views, comments and donations. They are a superb and welcome boost. So a thousand thank yous to everybody.

Why the gap?

My mental health has been suffering for a while and the pandemic made things much worse. Painting offers an almost meditative calm for me, so that has continued for the most part, but when I’m at my worst I struggle with communication and unfortunately that includes online too. I’m sorry if I have not replied to your messages or emails. That’s something I will catch up on in the next few days.

I’m working through my issues and I’m still a long way off but I’m going to start posting a couple of times a week again to hopefully jump start things again.

What have I been painting

I’d been feeling a fair amount of burnout with MCP and as a result ended up jumping in the deep end with Star Wars Legion instead. Over the last few months I’ve managed to paint up an Empire army and a wee Shadow Collective force(although that was for an article). I’m a Star Wars nerd so I think I had a lot of pent up energy ready for a project like this.

I’ve also still been working on articles for Tabletop Gaming magazine each month, with more on the way. This always gives me an opportunity to tackle a huge variety of different minis.

Your support has always kept MCP and my painting guides at the back of my mind but I wasn’t really feeling the want to paint what I had. It was the announcement of the Sentinels that brought my attention fully back.

This also means I’ll have a few new guides up in the next couple of days…

What’s Next?

Well aside from the guides mentioned above I have a few MCP figures ready and waiting to be painted. More specifically the following…


Blade & Moon Knight

X-23 & Honey Badger

Spider-Man Vs. Doc. Ock

I’ve no plans on an order I’ll be doing these as yet, you’ll have to wait and see what takes my fancy.

I’d love to hear from all of you, what guides would you like to see next?

4 thoughts on “Update – Getting Back in the Saddle

  1. Welcome back! I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your MCP guides and how instrumental they have been to getting my roster painted.

  2. I got into MCP and found your blog during your break, I wondered if this was a finished project so I am incredibly happy to see you back and posting.
    I hope you are doing well and handling mental health as best as possible. Much love x

  3. I love the MCP painting guides you’ve been posting, and was very happy to see some new ones appear. I especially appreciate how clear and concise you are with the guides. It makes them very readable and easy to follow. Of those you mentioned, I’d be especially interested in Juggernaut. Thank you for everything!

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