New Toys! Part 3 – Dreadball


Now this one isnt exactly a new game, as I have been getting on with this for a few weeks ago. I have however got some new goodies for it, and also managed to get 4 games in over the last couple of days, so I thought I’d show you where I’m going with it next and how the games have been.

I’ll start things off by saying that this game is freaking awesome! All of the games I’ve played have been an absolute hoot, and I think that comes down to the simplicity of the rules. It’s a very easy game to pick up, which means your not constantly bogged down with double checking rules, stats, etc. This coupled with the fact the game is incredibly fast paced just creates a great buzz when playing, especially when you’ve got the right opponents. As I’ve said I managed to get in 4 games with the Marauder team and luckily won every single one :D, I didn’t expect this team to be up to scratch and the original plan was to ebay them once complete, but I’m gonna stick with them for at least one league and see how I get on.

In between games I did manage to get the ref painted up, and also invested in the acrylic token set to replace the fairly crappy ones from out the box. These are well worth the money, they are good solid tokens and with the use they will see the card ones just wouldn’t last:

Dreadball Refbot

Dreadball Refbot

Acrylic Tokens

Acrylic Tokens

Up next will be a new team, the Z’zor…

Z'zor Team

Z’zor Team

I really like the design of the models, and think out of all the current teams these ones will offer the best oppertunity for a funky paintjob. Seems I got a bonus box too, as I had one extra guard in there. Score :D. I’m gonna go for a really bright green scheme on these guys, stupidly bright I think, but that will be after a commission for these guys…

Robot Team

Robot Team

The Client is looking to have them done in the same scheme as the Chronium Chargers, so will be going along the same sort of lines as the ref above, but with some additional embellishments to help ’em stand out.

4 thoughts on “New Toys! Part 3 – Dreadball

  1. Its nice to see another gamer who actually enjoys painting getting similar amounts of enjoyment from DreadBall. It really is great fun, my Game of the Year by a long way.

    Looking at the image of the Chromium Chargers here and the subsequent image in the following post I am interested to see how they turn out. It looks like you are approaching the painting a bit like one might approach painting vehicles. If you get a chance I would love to get a blow by blow of the technique that you are using on those figures. If its not too much trouble 🙂

    • It really is such a cracking game, ridiculously excited for the league we have kicking off this weekend 😀

      Popped a new post up today with a wee bit on the paints used so far, and I’ll keep that up in any further progress on ’em.

      • Although I have attended two tournaments and run two others we havent managed to get a league off the ground yet. I would love to have a weekly league game.

        I hope that you blog about your league as it progresses so that I can get a vicarious kick out of the Slammers exploits. Corporation are my favourite team to play with so far, but I do love the Marauders too. I think if I get to play a league some time that my B.P. Oilers marauder team would get their time on the spotlight.

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